
15.1 Photovoltaic installation control

Photovoltaic systems are very popular, which in turn leads to an increase in their production. This situation very often results in a decrease in the quality of the components and the quality of the PV installation service. For this reason, testing of the photovoltaic installation after its completion is important. Testing of photovoltaic installation should begin with a visual inspection to verify the correct selection and installation of components, as well as its compliance with the project documentation. This stage of testing photovoltaic installation is very important, because thanks to it you can prevent the operation of a defective installation, as well as protect the person performing the inspection from danger.
After the visual inspection of the installation, the corresponding measurements of the photovoltaic installation are carried out. The conduct of tests of the installation after its execution is defined by the PN-EN 62446-1:2016 standard [1]. The measurements of installations are carried out with specialized instruments that must meet the requirements of PN-EN 61557 standard [2] and PN-EN 61010 [3].


1. PN-EN 62446-1:2016-08: Systemy fotowoltaiczne (PV) – Wymagania dotyczące badań, dokumentacji i utrzymania – Część 1: Systemy podłączone do sieci – Dokumentacja, odbiory i nadzór.
2. PN-EN 61557-1:2009: Bezpieczeństwo elektryczne w niskonapięciowych sieciach elektroenergetycznych o napięciach przemiennych do 1000 V i stałych do 1500 V – Urządzenia przeznaczone do sprawdzania, pomiarów lub monitorowania środków ochronnych – Część 1: Wymagania ogólne.
3. PN-EN 61010-1:2011: Wymagania bezpieczeństwa dotyczące elektrycznych przyrządów pomiarowych, automatyki i urządzeń laboratoryjnych – Część 1: Wymagania ogólne.

Ostatnio zmieniona Piątek 17 z Czerwiec, 2022 06:44:51 UTC Autor: Konstanty Marszałek, Katarzyna Dyndał, Gabriela Lewińska
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